New Customer & Supplier Registration Process
As part of our onboarding process, we require all new customers and suppliers to complete a verification form to ensure the accuracy of your information and successfully register you in our system. This process helps us maintain the integrity of our records and ensure smooth collaboration.
For this purpose, please fill out our Account Registration Form with all required details and submit it. To fully complete this form you will need to submit the following documnets in a digital format:
- VAT registration
- IBAN Certificate
- Certificate of Directors or Power of Attorney or other document assigning you with the authority to represent the company
Completing the form promptly will help us register you quickly and ensure that we can begin our business relationship without delay.
Your personal and business information will be kept secure and used solely for registration and verification purposes, in compliance with our Data Protection Policy.
If you have any questions or need assistance with the form, please do not hesitate to contact one of our team members.